Thursday, August 02, 2007


I have been "tagged".

If you find yourself "tagged" like me, here are the rules you must follow...
The Meme Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

So, here we go...thanks, the way!!!

Habit #1 - I have already blogged about this once, but I love to get into bed and pull the covers up nice and straight so that the seams of our denim comforter run right up my legs. It drives Jason crazy, but hey, I like it!

Habit #2 - I roll my eyes a lot! I have no idea where this came from or why I do it, but I have been made aware by my spouse that I do it all the time. IF I have ever rolled my eyes at you, I apologize. I in no way meant to be rude...I promise!

Habit #3 - I pick at my nails...even when I have fake ones on. I mess with them all the time.

Habit #4 - I am horrible at checking voice mail. If I see that you have called, I usually just call you back. I hardly ever listen to the voice mails before I return a call. Sorry!

Habit #5 - I cry! It is just that simple. I am a crier. Commercials, movies, letters, emails, blogs...truthfully, it doesn't all makes me cry! I got this trait from my mother I believe, and sometimes it is most unnerving because I can't control it most of the time.

Habit #6 - I have gotten into this habit since getting married, but if I do a load of laundry, I have to put it up immediately when it is done. I hate for things to sit in the washing machine or dryer.

Habit #7 - Procrastination. This is a habit that I would love to break. All of my life, I have been a procrastinator! It drives me crazy, but sometimes that is when my best work happens.

Habit #8 - I probably say "I love you" too much. These are very serious words to me, but I say them a ton. I am constantly telling my family, husband, friends, etc. that I love them. At times I catch myself, and think maybe I should just quit....but it is so important to me that they know how much love I have for them and how blessed I feel to have them in my world.

I am going to tag....Sister, Mallory, Angie, Melanie...sadly, these are the only ones that I haven't seen that will be the end of my list.


Angie Tieman said...

Thanks for the tag! I did one similar that was 7 random facts...I'll see if I can think of 8 habits, hmmmm. I REALLY wish I had your laundry habit, several loads of towels accumulate in my basket until they're overflowing and we have to go to the basket to find clean towels, ugh!

Amy said...

I believe the tag will end with me as you are one of the few blogs that I even read. I will take a second and do this though, if I can think of 8 habits! LOL!