Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Watching, Waiting, and Learning...

If nothing else has happened in this adventure of adoption, the one thing that has drastically grasped my attention is that I am not in control. God brought the birth mom to us. God brought the lawyer to us. God has blessed us with what we have needed so far. God gave us a chance to tell this precious woman that she was loved and that she is a blessing to us. God is totally in control.

With that being said, we have lost touch with the birthmom. She got spooked by a really horrible situation that we had absolutlely no control over. Therefore, she isn't returning our friend's phone calls, and she hasn't answered when we have called (because she isn't allowed to).

I have been asked if I should call around to all of the hospitals and ask for her room in case she went up there without us knowing. However, once talking to J.and prayed about it. I realized, I am not in control. I have to step back, get in the word, continue to pray for the baby and the mom, and rest in the assurance that the God who led Daniel will indeed lead me. The God who loved Mary is deeply in love with me. The God who was the God of David, Abraham, Paul, John, and Ester is also MY God. He is the one who knows my days and is in control! Praise Him! All I am called to do is share His love with those around me. So, that is where I am. I am walking the road like I am watching this story unfold on a big movie screen. The only difference is that my director is the Ancient of Days!


Anonymous said... guys are so in my prayers! You are such an encouragement to me!
Hugs, Shelley

Anonymous said...

All of our love and prayers are with you!


Jeffie said...

Mandy, I'm so sorry. You have the perfect heart attitude in this and the Lord is definitely honored in your faith and love. We'll keep you guys in our heart and prayers. Love to you!

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

Wow, it has been a while since I have been on here!! I had no idea the route this has gone. Know that you are always in my prayers. I have to believe that He is faithful and will be with you every step. Let us know if there is anything we can do!!!

April Williams said...

I am so praying for you girl. I love you more than you know.