Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Creative People

I have always loved to make things, and God has been amazingly faithful to put creative people in my life that challenge and encourage me. I thought today I would showcase some of these precious people.

My aunts are both amazingly creative. They have been a constant blessing of creativity. Honestly, I didn't know that having people around me who are creative was a blessing. But be sure it most certainly is! They make me want to be a better me!! (Hokey, I know, but oh so true!)

One creative soul near and dear to my heart is Sister! I couldn't do life without my sister, and she loves to be creative, too. Even though, she doesn't keep her blog up, *ahem* (clearing my throat), she is amazingly creative. She makes the most amazing crosses, t-shirts, necklaces, blankets made out of children's clothes, etc. She is awesome, and she is my sister. Makes a girl proud I tell ya! ( I will post some pictures of her creations soon...promise!)

Mallory is a friend of mine who is a gifted photographer! She is amazing, and she taught herself. She is one of the most gracious, creative people I have ever met. She sees the beauty in everything, and her passion comes through her photography. However, she is an awesome artist with all mediums. Truly a blessing!

Another friend who always has a smile and a new idea is Shel. (I think it is not a coincidence that she has the same name as one of my Aunts....seriously, God is good!) Shel amazes me. I love going and hanging out with her because I am constantly inspired to go do something creative when I leave her house. She really has a gift of making fun stuff. Check out her blog! She says she isn't a seamstress, but I beg to differ. Just look at these adorable bibs she made! The girl's got it going on!
There are others, seriously, there are so many! I just want to do praise dancing for all of the amazing talent God so graciously gives!

You all rock my socks off!!! I love you!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

We're Wild, People!


We made it! I am happy to report that J. and I were wide awake to watch "Big D on NYE". Let me just say, we sat there with our mouths wide open at how horrible the commentating was on it. Embarrassing, simply embarrassing! Anyway, Victory Plaza looked good....I just can not get over the fact that they cut away from Fergie singing in Hollywood to Dale Hanson complaining about Cross Canadian Ragweed...seriously!

Anyway, we celebrated because if you know our actual bed time (8:30 LOL), then you will surely understand that this is a sign that this is going to be a year of truly amazing feats! I can't wait to see where God leads us next!