Let me just say, we have worked our fingers to the bone getting this house ready for the home study! We cleaned every inch of carpet, floor, wall, and window. We scrubbed, vacuumed, organized, etc. The social worker came in, sat down, visited with us for about an hour and a half. After we got done, I expected her to want to see the house. The amazingly clean....wonderfully organized house. NOPE! She said she only walks the houses that she isn't sure about...which is wonderful, but seriously! I sweated over the ordeal! Seriously! J. vacuumed!! You have to see the house!!! The good news: We are so official! We were approved with our home study. YEA!!!
Our next step is to wait for the birth of the baby and continue to fund raise. We are prayerful for the health of the little one and the birth mom! Please continue to be in prayer for them.
But for today, my last day of summer, which is an entire post all by itself, we are studied and fingerprinted!!
That's awesome! I can't wait for you to have this joy.
Mandy! This is so exciting! I love looking at your blog so I can follow along you and J.'s adoption journey. God is doing some amazing things! This is one blessed baby!!
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