Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Update about Adoption

Okay, I remember telling you guys that the adoption process could move fast, but I had no idea. Jason and I are planning on having dinner with the birth mother a.s.a.p. because she is actually 7 or 8 months (she isn't quite sure) and is already dropping! WHAT!! She desperately wants to get this taken care of so the baby has a safe, healthy environment to come home to.

Yea, seriously!

I only know a few details. Email me and I will answer questions.

Keep praying...we are on our knees!


Anonymous said...

Mandy, that's so exciting! I pray you get a baby. You're going to be an amazing mom!

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

ok, seriously on the edge of my seat in anticipation. Please let us know as soon as you know something. I so have the peace in knowing your child is coming, it is just this "dad-gum" waiting period. I mean come on :) Love ya girl and praying praying

Amy said...

Sister, we are praying and I will be there whenever you need me to be. Even if I have to hitch it to get there! LOL! I just cannot wait to see it all progress! I sure do love you and am so excited for you.

Melanie said...

Mandy! This is so crazy! Praying that you guys will get the baby that you have wanted so badly. Keep us posted. I can't wait to find out what happens!

Chilton Family said...

Hey girl! Please email me and let me know what's going on!! I just found your blog through Stephs. I'm so sorry I left the Smiths party the other night without giving you that adoption info. Sounds like GOD is doing a lot. Fill me in and let me know if you ever need to talk through the process!!