Thursday, July 19, 2007

And the award goes to. . .


I am tootin' my horn today, girls. I know. I know. I am so not supposed to do that, but I think I defied gravity yesterday.

This was my day:
7 -9 am - mowed, weeded, edged, pruned the roses, sprayed the roses, relocated some monkey grass, fertilized 9 trees,
10 am to 12 pm - painted my bathroom cabinets
12 - 1 - made some phone calls
1 - 2 did some laundry
2:30 - 3:45 - sat on the couch and watched people cook to inspire me for the meal I knew I was about to embark on
3:45 -4:30 J.came home and I patiently listened to the glories of electrical work, and let him tell me how awesome I was for all the work I have done today!
4:30 started dinner - homemade pasta with cheese sauce and Mahi Mahi....
That lasted a while, and I was in bed by 8.

Now, let me just say. I tell all of you this because I have done little this summer but sit in front of this computer learning the language of html and css so that I can build my company website - Paper Cravings. Yesterday I did more physical labor than I have done in months, and today I am paying for it big time!!! Now, I know you super moms who do all of this and juggle twelve kids are rolling your eyes. It is okay! I am impressed with you, too! I will gladly read about your day and cheer you on! I promise!!

So, I told J. that today I have to tutor, run to the bank, and then I am holding down the couch for the day! Yea right! I have already repotted 4 plants and it is 7:53 am. Oh, my muscles are going to be calling tonight!!!
I am also debating colors for my bedroom & bathroom. Any suggestions?


Kristin Aune said...

Wow, do you want to come to Tennessee for a visit and help me with my flower beds and painting. Kyndal is all over the place now, and wants to be in the middle of everything I do. So nap times are when I do my projects.

You go girl! Sounds like a good excuse for a massage!

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

Ok, you are crazy!! I just need you to come cook for me :)

Are new rent house has the lighter color blue in the bedroom and I really like it. Very warm. Just my thoughts. Love ya girl and miss ya!

April Williams said...

See...I was going to say go darker in the bedroom and lighter in the bathroom if these are the 2 colors you are wanting. You don't want your bathroom to be too dark...changes the lighting too much and when you put makeup on, you may come out looking like a clown! ;-)

And I love that you gave the award to yourself!

MKP said...

Will you comr over and paint my cabinets? :)
The darker color looks about the same color as our bedroom and I really like it. You should come and take a look and see what you think.

jen armstrong said...

whew!!! good work, sister. wish i was there to see it! you are amazing. :)