Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

I laugh when I think back over past Valentine's Days. There were years that I hated this holiday. The purely pink, romantic mess would make me want to hurl at couples because I was so lost in my own self induced pity party. I was sad over unmet expectations or missing out on having a boyfriend, etc. I was angry at the thought that I wasn't chosen again for a special Valentine.

One Valentine's Day, when I was in the 5th grade, I was longing to be a chosen girl with a special gift. After school, I went back into my darkened elementary school classroom to slip a candy filled heart in my sack. I looked forward to the next day and pretending that someone had chosen me.

All of the kids would wonder who it was.

I had a plan.

The interesting thing about this story is that I don't remember the next day. Maybe I blocked it out because the kids were mean, maybe I don't remember because I got too carried away with the festivities to make a big deal out of my valentine, maybe knowing there was something special in my sack was enough or maybe the taste of the chocolate candy wiped away all of my longings for a moment. Who knows?

The point is that I was that little girl longing to be chosen. You girls know what I mean. Even if you were noticed in some way by someone, there was a time when you longed.

In fact, I still long. Today, my longing is that when I feel insignificant and want to be "chosen" I remember I am.

I am chosen! I am worth more than chocolate, flowers, or sonnets. Jesus has chosen me. Wow! Let me tell you that is quite a big valentine for this chunky, unpopular girl to unwrap. Amazing!

As I watch my 4th graders discover the popular ones, the "loved" ones, the handsome ones, ....all of the worldly titles. I want to scream....hey, hey, hey......yes, you....little one over there who wants to be noticed....Jesus loves you! Jesus' valentine will last forever, and it keeps on giving!

My prayer is that all looking for love, assurance and acceptance will see Jesus this Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

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