Monday, December 31, 2007

It is cleaned up, packed up, put up, and vaccumed up.

Growing up, I always felt such sadness at seeing the lights come down. I do have to admit it still makes my heart ache a little to see all of the dark houses again. However, in my house, it feels so exhilarating to get everything up and clean and fresh again. New hopes and dreams start to fill the nooks and crannies of the house where trees, decorations and wrapping once stood. The house is light and airy and ready for 2008.

However, today, on the last day of 2007, I feel a need to recap stick with me.

1.) J. and I have had a rough season this holiday, but we are stronger! AMEN for stronger!

2.) Sister, Dub and their boys (whom we absolutely adore) moved "home" for a season. We were able to pray together, cry together, laugh uncontrollably together, and do life together. We are not sure where 2008 will lead them, but we are amazingly thankful for the time of 2007.

3.) J. was diagnosed with yet another reason why 2008 has got to be the year of health for our house.

4.) Wonderful friends and family came to our house...can I just tell you how much I love having people over. Last night, we were telling the story again about how God put us in this house, and I will forever stand amazed. Today, I walked through asking myself and praising God for His precious gift! When we were in the process of buying it, we prayed that it would be used to bring Him glory. It is amazing what a blessing it is!

5.) We got to spend another year with my grandparents....blessing!!!

I could go on and on....we have so much to be thankful for!

As for the new year, I pray we will be in His presence every moment, and fulfilling His will for our lives.

Happy New Year!!

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