Tuesday, April 25, 2006

All Will Be Well

"He helps us to go to sleep at night with a stronger sense of the power of good & an understanding that He is protecting us from evil. He hasn't assured us that we will always get our way; He has promised that He is the WAY. And in His way, despite our suffering, we can safely trust that all will be well. " -Nichole Johnson

All will be well! All will be well! I cling to that today. I am starting my 5th round of Clomid. I can't believe that I have been on this medicine for 5 months already. I am so thankful that it is helping my body work correctly. However, it does get so tiring to have to always be thinking about what you are taking and how much and when, etc.... However, despite all of my suffering and longing, I can trust that all will be well.

I may never hold a child born from my body, but all will be well! Thank you, Lord, that you are in control! I thank you for loving me and holding me. I also thank you for the struggles and trails that bring me closer to you. I love living in your light and love!

All will be well!! I can say that with complete cofidence! All will be well!! Praise your holy name!

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