To say that I love coffee is an understatement. Actually, I adore the stuff. I also adore the places that sell the stuff....especially Starbucks and Sweet Eugene's (in College Station). There is a deep, passionate reason why I love these places.
When I was single and really putting time into my relationship with Jesus, I used to go nightly to a Starbucks in Dallas. *Let me clear up something...what I mean is that I wasn't always putting my heart and soul into my relationship with Jesus while I was single. I have very sad, dark times when I didn't make time for Him. SOOOO, the periods of time that I was in the Word and having daily "dates" with my Savior were precious.
I would arrive bible, latestest book I was studying, and my journal in tow to pick up my cup of java and spend the evening with my savior. I am sure from the outside looking in on my date it was a bit strange. There were times in my study that I would laugh out loud at His irony, or I would tear up at the realizations of my sinful nature. These were treasured moments that tasted as sweet to my heart as they did to my tongue.
Fast forward 6 years and I still have a love for coffee. However, since I have gotten married and can't go out every evening to get away and spend time with Jesus, I have had to be more creative about my date places. I will have to say that usually when I sit down with my bible, my coffee isn't far away. I love the two together. The savory word refreshes my soul all the sweeter when sipping coffee. I have also found that I long for those quiet moments where I had nothing else to do but sit by my Savior and learn about His goodness. In case you couldn't tell, I am quite in love with Him.
Besides changing the design...I have changed the name.....
I am throwing in the towel so to speak. I am tired of living for what might be one day. I want to celebrate what I have and what God has made me to be. I am an aunt of two of the most precious individuals that have ever been born. I want to celebrate that Tucker and Tanner are in my family. I will always have the prayer of children. I have a desire to be a mother and to raise children to love the Savior that blesses me daily. I will also always have the prayer of adoption, but we simply can not afford to do that right now.
SOOOO, for today...
I am...
a princess in God's kingdom
a spot on God's kingdom calendar
a wife to a man who deserves to be cherished
a daughter that needs to appreciate her roots
a sister to two of God most amazing creations
an aunt.. to two little guys that continue to amaze me
wow! what an honor!
I am yours, God...use me today with what you have given me!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
A New Look and a Name Change
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
This was shared with me by an online friend. She is struggling in her first couple of weeks as a mom. This is precious! This reminds us why God gives us children.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
HTML Code!!!!
I have created a monster in myself. I am learning html code and figuring out gifs and jpgs to update and create my "perfectly Mandy" blog! I absolutely LOVE it!!! I am even contemplating hosting my own blog by buying a domain. I think I have totally lost it!!
Now, if any of you understand Dreamweaver CS3, please let me know!! I need a tutor!!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Our Girls!
Mercy is the one right below Faith. She is our middle girl (5 years old). We compare her to a little old lady. She is picky, nervous, loving, and a people pleaser. When the dogs were sleeping (and snoring) with us, she would crawl up onto my pillow and snuggle under my arm. She would let me hold her there all night. I think she misses being in our bed more than any of them. She is happiest when she is right next to us and the house is calm.
Grace is our oldest (six years old). We got Grace on our first date. Seriously, Jason came over, and we went to look (actually, I went to look, but little did I know that her future daddy was going along with me...I bet God got a huge chuckle out of that one!). Jason actually talked me into getting Grace because she was an odd girl right from the start. She is definately an oldest child. She is super smart, totally in love with her dad, selfish with her toys, and extremely protective of her little sisters.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Adoption Update
Buckner Children's home - based in Dallas
Aggieland Adoptions - based in College Station
Methodist Mission Home - based in San Antonio
A Legacy of Love - based in Lewisville
We greatly welcome your prayers! Each one has it's benefits and each one has it's drawbacks. They are all expensive. In fact, that is going to be a HUGE step of faith for the Nabors' to trust the Ancient of Days to guide us financially.
Let us know what you think. We are planning on knowing by the end of this month, and moving forward asap!
Do you have any babies at your house?
I walked into my dear friend's house this morning. Their three year old had just woken up, actually, he had just gotten up after lounging around in bed for about an hour after waking. I sit down on the couch. He walks up to me and asks, "Aunt Mandy, Do you have any babies at your house?" "No" I replied, " but I do have dogs." " I want to pet them!" was his response. It was so innocent. He has recently welcomed his baby brother home, and there are tons of new babies all around in homes that he is associated with. Therefore, it was a natural thing for him to wonder about.
To say that my heart dropped is an understatement. Believe me, I in no way want you to read this and feel sorry for me. He actually brought me to my senses during that brief interaction. He asked if I had something that I LONG for, and when I told him that I didn't have that, but that I did have something else. He was completely content. Why don't I feel content answering his simple question? Why does a lump form in my throat that makes me want to scream out because I can't swallow, and if I try to swallow I will surely begin a tidalwave of selfish and silly I am!! God has been amazingly good to me. I can't even begin to list all of the ways He has brought me up, dressed me in His finest, and still my praises have dwindled to cries of what else, God? What else? Are you kidding me?!?!? Seriously, I have some nerve to stand in the middle of my life and cry what else. (or I am completely stupid!)
I am in a place right now where I am learning so very much about the Ancient of Days. However, it took the example of a three year old to bring me to my knees tonight in gratitude! Oh, how very thankful I am!
I am going to pet my dogs!