Monday, May 21, 2007

How Do We Choose?

How do we choose which agency to go with? Jason and I are at a loss. We have gathered the data from the big agencies around Texas, we have gathered from several different maternity homes and children's homes, and we have gathered some from some smaller places. We have talked to lawyers about what they thought about private adoptions. Which one do we choose? All of the them are more expensive than I ever thought domestic adoption would be. All of them have birth mothers who are looking for families for their babies. All of them are special and unique. I want all of them!!! I wish we could open our door to every birthmother out there and yell...."hey, bring your baby over here....let us teach him or her about Jesus....let us have a chance....I promise they will be loved....I promise they will be cherished....hey....over here!!!" Please!!!!

We know that adoption is part of our family. We know we are doing exactly what we are supposed to do. We are both so terribly excited about the idea of adopting and being able to hold our child. However, we are definately at a crossroad. We both want to get the paperwork done and the stuff going, but we are stuck! UGH!! We have been told by numerous agencies that as soon as we get paper work in, get our home study done, and pay for it all...we could have a baby. They even mentioned this summer.....THIS SUMMER!!!! What a blessing!!!

Please pray for guidance. We know we are exactly where we are supposed to be. However, it feels like we are at a circle intersection with numerous roads all meeting at the circle. All the roads lead to joy, but each one is different and unique. Which one will we travel? We don't know. As soon as we do will be some of the first people we tell.

Until then. . . we are on our knees!!


Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

I can almost feel your little one and smell that baby smell!!! If anything I continue to learn it is to be where you are and let him guide you. You will look back on this time without him or her and it will be a blur, just the forever mark on your life and your soul He has made. We love you!

jen armstrong said...

We're praying for you!!!