Monday, May 22, 2006

A Closed Door

Well, my dr. visit this morning closed a door that I was sure we were about to walk through. I met with a very kind dr. who gently told me that even though I am completely healthy, I am too heavy for them to help me with my infertilty issues. I am so sad and humbled.

Holy and Most Precious Father,
Only you know where this road will lead. Father, how do I continue to go on? Oh, preciuos Father, I want to raise your child!! I want to be a mother to one of your precious little souls. I don't even have to have more...just one. Why is it, Lord, that so many people can easily get pregnant (even those who don't want babies), and I can't. Oh, sweet Father, hold my broken heart and help me to find joy. I need joy, Lord. I need you, Lord! Oh, how I love you so!


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