Sunday, September 09, 2007

Adoption Update

We have lost the birthmom. She won't even return our friend's phone calls. If you would like to know more about why that is, just ask. I seriously don't mind talking about it. J. and I are thrilled that God used us to sit down and talk to this precious woman. We are blessed that we got a chance to tell her how much God loves her, and that there is no disgrace in carrying a life. She had been told many times how awful the pregancy was by the people she surrounded herself with.

So, we are looking for a new birthmom. We are going to go through an agency. We have a few more phone calls to make on Monday and Tuesday to finalize who we are going to use. This means that we will have a much bigger expense with this adoption, but we have a HUGE hurdle behind us. We got our homestudy and background check done. We are going to try to apply for some grants. We don't think we will be granted any loans, but God is bigger than our credit issues. So, we will see.

Anyway, keep us and our future child in your prayers. We are so excited to be matched and bring him or her home.


Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

I have been wanting an update so bad. I am so sad, but it sounds like your spirits are up and staying focused. Have not stopped praying!

April Williams said...

I am so sorry to hear this. We love you so much and will keep you in our prayers. God is truly the Blessed Controller of All things...even when we don't understand. My heart goes to you my sweet, sweet friend.

Anonymous said...

Mandy~ I am so so sorry! You are in my prayers and I will be praying this next step will be a seamless process. Lots of luck!