Monday, March 27, 2006

My Precious Husband

I just got one of the most amazing emails ever. Jason wrote the following, "Thank you. Thanks for being loyal, faithful and loving. You are a jewel in my crown. You are my treasure stored up in heaven that I have received early and forever."

I am constantly impressed by his love for our Father. We had an amazing service yesterday at church. Jason left knowing we had some hard changes to make in our world. He was sure that we needed to rid our home of anything that would cause us to stumble or cause anyone else to question our faith and love for Jesus Christ.

I have to admit. It was hard to say ok to some of his decisions, but I can see God working through him. I know one day we will stand much stronger and healthier than we are today, and we will look back and be amazed at the areas where God's hand blessed Jason's faithfulness in our home.

I am so thankful that he is mine.

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