Sunday, March 02, 2008

Hideous Just Hideous

I have a new love!

Yes, I adore them. However, Nabs seems to think they are "Hideous" (to quote him exactly). However, that hasn't kept my heart from falling hard for these little beauties. My love for them goes back to my precious days at A&M. I was a Fish Camp Counselor, and some friends of mine and I got maroon ones because we were in love with everything maroon.

It has been years, but our love affair was rekindled this past week.

I love them. I love that they have them in my size 11 shoes. I love that I can find any of the designs that I like in MY size.
I love seeing them peeking out of my jeans.

I also adore that there is now a CONVERSE outlet store in Allen! I love them!

So, judge me if you must, but I am in love with hideous shoes!

1 comment:

Laugh Along With Me said...

I have some that have stripes on them when I was 18 and still have 'em! I knew they'd come back in style eventually.