Monday, June 11, 2007

Our Girls!

Our girls!

Faith is the one with the white head. She is the youngest (2 years old), overly rambunctious, and cautiously curious of everything her mommy and daddy is doing. She constantly sits on her sisters, and she turns pink around her eyes (actually all over her face) when she is sleepy. We were told to keep her out of the sun unless she had some protective wear on her eyes due to the lack of black around her eyes. Wouldn't you know it that the minute the door to the back yard is open, she runs right out and lays in the middle of the yard. She loves the sunshine. In fact, if there is a patch of it on the carpet that is filtered through the windows, Faith is probably laying in the middle of it. She is a funny girl!

Mercy is the one right below Faith. She is our middle girl (5 years old). We compare her to a little old lady. She is picky, nervous, loving, and a people pleaser. When the dogs were sleeping (and snoring) with us, she would crawl up onto my pillow and snuggle under my arm. She would let me hold her there all night. I think she misses being in our bed more than any of them. She is happiest when she is right next to us and the house is calm.

Grace is our oldest (six years old). We got Grace on our first date. Seriously, Jason came over, and we went to look (actually, I went to look, but little did I know that her future daddy was going along with me...I bet God got a huge chuckle out of that one!). Jason actually talked me into getting Grace because she was an odd girl right from the start. She is definately an oldest child. She is super smart, totally in love with her dad, selfish with her toys, and extremely protective of her little sisters.

1 comment:

Angie Tieman said...

Look at those cuties!! I may come steal them away! lol! They would actually fit right in with my white-and-black spotted Nick! I know things will work out for you, no doubt!